José Santaemilia Ruiz – Director of GENTEXT (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Dr José Santaemilia is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the Universitat de València, as well as a legal and literary translator. His main research interests are gender and language, sexual language and translation. He has edited Género, lenguaje y traducción (Valencia, 2003) and Gender, sex and translation: The manipulation of identities (Manchester, 2005). With José Pruñonosa, he is author of the first critical edition and translation of Fanny Hill into Spanish (Editorial Cátedra, 2000). He has recently co-edited Gender and sexual identities in transition: International Perspectives (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008), with Patricia Bou, and Woman and Translation: Geographies, Voices and Identities (MONTI – Monographs on Translation and Interpretation, 2011), with Luise von Flotow.
Sergio Maruenda Bataller (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Dr Sergio Maruenda-Bataller is a senior lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the Institute of Applied Modern Languages and the Department of English and German Studies at the University of Valencia, with teaching and research experience for more than 15 years. His research interests have mainly focused on Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) as applied to gender inequalities in socio-ideological texts. As a member of the research group Gentext, he specialises in the critical analysis of gender violence discourses in news media and has taken part in 5 funded projects that have involved expert international teams. Dr Maruenda-Bataller has more than 37 publications and 60 conference papers on such diverse topics as cognitive pragmatics, critical discourse analysis, digital media and, lately, on evaluative discourse and the linguistic (cross-cultural) representation of violence against women in news media. He has worked lately on the discursive news values analysis (DNVA) of news reports on gender violence and ethical reporting.
Carmen Gregori Signes (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Dr Carmen Gregori Signes is Senior Lecturer at the Dep. of Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya and a member of IULMA. She is the director of the research group CORPLING GIUV2018-425 and a member of the research group NEWSGEN (I+D+i PID2019-110863GB-I00. She completed an MA at the University of Nottingham and has been a visiting scholar at several universities (Birmingham University, Iowa University, Cambridge University, Queen Mary University, George Mason University, Middlebury College). Currently, a great deal of her research is devoted to the analysis of media language, in particular TV series and newspapers. Her analysis combines corpus linguistics methodologies with qualitative research methods.
Miguel Fuster Márquez (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Dr. Miguel Fuster Márquez is Senior lecturer at the Dep. of Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya and a member of IULMA. He is full member of the research group CORPLING GIUV2018-425, and also member of the research group NEWSGEN (I+D+i PID2019-110863GB-I00. He is also president of AELINCO (Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics). He graduated and obtained his PhD at the Universitat of València (Spain). While he was a PhD student, he stayed at the Universities of Sheffield and the University of London (UK). Later, he has spent post-doctoral and research sojourns at NSU (Louisiana, US) and University of San Antonio (Texas, US), and more recently at Queen Mary University (UK) and Swansea University (Wales, UK), University of Bergamo (Italy) and Tartu University (Estonia). His most recent research has been devoted to the analysis of tourism and news discourse, and has an interest in media language, where he uses corpus methods in combination with other methods.
Nuria Lorenzo Dus (Swansea University)
Dr Nuria Lorenzo-Dus graduated from the University of Valencia with a B.A. Honours degree in English and German Linguistics. She then completed her Diploma in Language and Communication and her PhD in Discourse Analysis at the Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff University. Throughout her academic career she has worked on a number of major research projects, including an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project on media discourse and memory that used the 2005 London bombings as a case study, and several cross-cultural and cross-gender communication projects (funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). She is the Chair of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society and serve as a member of the editorial boards of Memory Studies (Sage), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict (John Benjamins) and Spanish in Context (John Benjamins). Her current research focuses on the fields of media discourse analysis (in particular broadcast and online contexts) and (im)politeness.
Elena Castellano Ortolá (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Dr. Elena Castellano Ortolá is Associate Lecturer at the Dep. of Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya and a member of IULMA. She holds a BA in Translation and Intercultural Mediation, as well as a MA in Creative Translation, both from the University of Valencia (UV). In 2013, she was granted a scholarship to spend an academic year at the University of Montreal (UdéM), where she developed an early interest in her current field of study, gender in translation. Three research grants have followed. The first, from the Spanish Ministry of Culture, was obtained at an undergraduate position (2015). The second, from the University of Valencia, was devoted to postgraduate research (2017). In 2018, she obtained a three-year predoctoral fellowship at the English and German Department of our Faculty, and in 2021, after defending her PhD dissertation, she was granted another three-year contract, this time as a postdoctoral research fellow, at the Université Bordeaux-Montaigne. In September of 2022, she was appointed Tenure-Track Lecturer at the UV, which is her current position. Besides organizing a number of conferences and seminars in regard with gender and language, translation, and culture, including various editions of the European Workshop on Gender and Translation, she has published a number of works on the intersection between gender and language, and gender and translation, in journals such as META and volumes for publishers such as Peter Lang.
Eivor Jordá Mathiasen (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Eivor Jordà Mathiasen holds a PhD in Translation and Knowledge Society. She graduated in Philosophy and Educational Sciences at the UV and in Translation and Interpreting at the UJI. She is currently a lecturer in the Department of English and German Philology at the Universitat de València. Previously, she has taught translation theory, legal translation and audiovisual translation on the translation degree course at the European University of Valencia, where she also directed the Master’s degree in Audiovisual Translation. Her main research interests lie in the fields of translation philosophy, gender and translation, documentation for legal translation and audiovisual translation. She has published in prestigious international translation journals such as The Translator and Babel and national journals such as Sendebar and Hermeneus. Prior to her university teaching activity, she has been a professional translator, especially in the audiovisual and legal fields. He is currently translating the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard for the publishing house Trotta.
Antonio García Gómez (Universidad de Alcalá)
Dr. Antonio García Gómez is Full Professor of English Studies at Universidad de Alcalá. His research focuses on gender, sexuality, femininities, power, identity and online aggression.
Laura Mercé (Universitat Jaume I/Universitat de València – IULMA)
Laura Mercé lectures in the English Department of Jaume I University, where she also serves as a member of IULMA. She holds a BA in English Studies, and MA in Secondary Education and an MA in Advanced English Studies. Her main research interest is in the interplay between discourse and gender-based violence. She is currently preparing her PhD thesis. To date, she has published on the issues of anti-feminism, online grooming, postfeminism, courtroom discourse, and critical pedagogy.
Lucía Bellés Calvera (Universitat de València – IULMA)
Lucía Bellés-Calvera holds a PhD from Universitat Jaume I. Currently she works as a junior lecturer at Universitat de València. She is also a book and multimedia review editor in journals such as Language Value and Ibérica. Her research interests involve Applied Linguistics, CLIL instruction, Discourse Analysis, and technology-enhanced practices.