Translation and Gender: a gap between theory and practice?
University of Calabria, 8 and 9 November 2011
Under the sponsorship of the Department of Linguistics (University of Calabria) and the Department of Human Sciences (University of Ferrara)
Organizers: Eleonora Federici, Vanessa Leonardi, Manuela Coppola, Michael Cronin, Alessandra De Marco, Renata Oggero
The aim of the conference is to investigate the relationship between translation and gender and how it has been approached in different European countries in recent decades, since the beginning of the theoretical debate in feminist TS. Many have been the voices on gender and translation, especially in Canada and in Spain, two cultural contexts in which the problems inherent to translation and the category of gender have been fruitfully discussed by eminent scholars such as Barbara Godard, Sherry Simon, Luise von Flotow and José Santaemilia. These theorists have given prominence to the translator, whether woman or man, to her/his choices and to the strategies outlined in order to unveil the gender-related aspects in translation. However, in Italy especially, a gap seems to exist between theory and practice. What is the situation of feminist practices of translation in Italy and in other European countries? What are the positions of translators who have dealt with gender issues? Do they proclaim themselves as feminist translators?
Papers should mainly address the issue of the gap between theory and practice, but can also broach other topics, such as:
– feminist translation and translators in Europe through time
– women translators as feminist translators
– men translators as feminist translators
– diachronical perspectives of the same text in different translations by men or women
– the existence of different European practices of translation (with a focus on gender)
– the translation of gender related topics
– the translation of grammatical gender
– the translation of different genres and gender related issues
The cfp is open to scholars and translators with a view to widening perspectives on theory and practice.
Confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Oriana Palusci (L’Orientale, Naples) Prof. José Santaemilia (Universitat de Valencia), Prof. Loredana Polezzi (University of Warwick)
More information on the conference website:
Paper proposals (title and an abstract of not more than 300 words) should be sent to:;
Deadline: 1 September 2011
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