Gender, Language & Sexual (In)equality Research Group


Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on Gender & Translation

The GenText Research Group of the Universitat de València and the Dipartimento di Studi LetterariLinguistici e Comparati of the Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ organize jointly the 1st Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on Gender & Translation.

The main aim of this initiative (which will shift venue from edition to edition) is to periodically  offer a broad view of research on translation and gender/sexuality around the world, as it is becoming a powerful and critical intersection for a number of disciplines, from translation to linguistics, from literature to gender/sexuality, from culture to ideology.

Visit the conference microsite: HERE.

IV Seminar on English Discourse Analysis


20 February 2014 – Salón de Grados Enric Valor

ORGANISED BY: Patricia Bou Franch, José Santaemilia Ruíz, Sergio Maruenda Bataller, Begoña Clavel Arroitia




Morning session: Gender inequality through texts (GENTEXT)


  • Carmen Tomás Juan – Directora de la Unitat d’Igualtat. Universitat de València
  • Begonya Pozo Sànchez – Vicedegana de Cultura, Igualtat i Comunicació. FFTiC. Universitat de València


  • Shonna Trinch City University of New York       

Seeing Rape: New Directions in Language and Gender Studies

10.45-11.15 – COFFEE BREAK


  • Linda Pritchard – Eastern Michigan University

Language discontinuities in Women’s and Gender studies in the U.S


  •  José Santaemilia – Universitat de València

Women, language and violence in media texts: A quantitative or a qualitative approach?

  • Sergio Maruenda – Universitat de València

Evaluation, pragmatics and gendered discourse: meaning negotiation in the (digital) media

  • Patricia Bou-Franch – Universitat de València

Victims of violence against women in the Spanish Press

  • Sandra Vázquez – Universitat de València

A computer-mediated feminist critical discourse analysis [CM(FC)DA] of indirect linguistic sexism in the digital media

  • Gora Zaragozá – Universitat de València

How new realities reshape old terms: the case of ‘violence’ in Spain

  • Begoña Clavel – Universitat de València

Teaching gender inequality in the classroom    


  • Antonio García Gómez  – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Constructing post-feminist female identity: Identity negotiation, sexual agency and normative femininity


Begoña Barrado  – Indirect sexism and its strategies  in television advertising

Raquel Martí   – La igualdad en la administración local

Joaquín Primo Pacheco  – A discourse analysis approach to suspense: A methodological proposal

Jordi Torró  – Expansion and effects of Reality TV in America: Impoliteness in Jersey Shore

Yolanda García Jordán  – What lies behind secret income?

Jordi Nieva – A corpus study of the discursive construction of an identity ‘Spaniard’ in the context of the Spanish crisis. A critical discourse analysis of a journalistic portrayal


 Gender and Discourse /Gender Violence in the Classroom
 Use  of ICTs in the teaching of English
(see list of poster presenters below)

Calabuig Bono, MªJosé, Coakley, Meghan & Pomer Cañizares, Marta
 - Impoliteness in online newspaper comments
Manane, Sara & Perret, Célia 
– Political Discourse Analysis (PDA): Two opposite visions on US gun regulation: B. Obama and W. LaPierre
Casanova Gornals, Lucia & Juan Gil, Marc 
- The grammar of songs: An analysis of grammatical structures within song lyrics

Martinez Caminero, Natacha & Prieto Bolinches, Beatriz 
- The teaching of grammar through music

POSTER presentations by:

Bataller Barea, Alba;   Calvo, Elena;   Cascant, Rita ;  de León, Borja;   del Río, Natalia;   Esteve González, Belén;   Gabarda, Amparo;   García, Macarena; García Vez, Esther;   Gascó, Zenaida ;  Guardiola Llorens, Mar;  Ibáñez, Javier;   Jorro, María;   Kaur, Sukhjit;   Kolosova, Alexandra;   Martí, Raquel;   Martínez, María;   Mata, Sandra;   Pérez, Sonia;   Poghosyan, Marianna;   Roch, Jessica;   Rodilla, María;   Romero, Lucía;   Torrado, Verónica;   Tovar, María;   Verduch, Saray.  

Click here to download the poster of the conference.





The GenText Research Group recently participated in the II Contest of Audio Visual Micro Stories  campaigning against Gender Violence , held at the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Communicació (Valencia, March 2014). Patricia Bou acted as member of the panel of experts who assessed the 15 audiovisual micro stories produced to campain against gender abuse.


¡ tu no me la pegues !





Read more here.

GENTEXT members organize panel at EPICS VI conference


Sergio Maruenda Bataller and Patricia Bou-Franch recently organized the panel:


for the 6th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics – EPICS VI – held at the University of Seville, 12-14 May 2014.





Contributions to the panel included:

“Language aggression against women: gender identity and inequality in online discourse”

Patricia Bou Franch, Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich & Nuria Lorenzo Dus

“Meaning and evaluation in construing media discourses of gender violence: ‘woman’ and the representation of affect in the Spanish contemporary press”

José Sataemilia Ruiz & Sergio Maruenda Bataller

“Rape taboos, stance, and the privatization of the public secret”

Shonna Trinch

“Linguistic sexism in the digital media”

Sandra Vázquez Hermosilla


GENTEXT members guest-edit and contribute to a special issue of the Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict (2:2, 2014)



Title: Language Aggression against Women

Guest editor: Dr. Patricia Bou-Franch


Table of contents:

An Introduction to Language Aggression against Women

Patricia Bou-Franch



Rape is rape (except when it’s not): The media, recontextualisation and violence against women

Frederick Attenborough

De-authorizing rape narrators: Stance, taboo and privatizing the public secret

Shonna Trinch

Gender ideology and social identity processes in online language aggression against women

Patricia Bou-Franch and Pilar Garces-Conejos Blitvich

The linguistic representation of gender violence in (written) media discourse: The term ‘woman’ in Spanish contemporary newspapers

Jose Santaemilia and Sergio Maruenda

Public/Private language aggression against women: Tweeting rage and intimate partner violence

Kristin L. Anderson and Jill Cermele

Permanent Seminar on English Discourse Analysis – Meeting announcement

The Permanent Seminar of English Language and Linguistics will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, February 25th, at 10.30 in the Sala de Juntas of the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació of the Universitat de València.

Dr. NURIA LORENZO-DUS (Swansea University – Wales) will deliver a talk titled:

‘Online grooming: Communicative stages and paedophile profiles’




Online grooming is an activity that affects a significant proportion of children and teenagers, with reported incidences ranging from 19% (First Youth Internet Safety Survey, YISS-1, 2000) to 35% (Ybarra et al., 2007). The exact magnitude of the problem is difficult to determine: the nature of the crime and the vulnerability of the victims unfortunately mean that many cases go unreported.  A recent review of online grooming concludes that, despite it being such a prevalent crime, research into its characteristics is limited (Whittel et al 2013). The present study, funded by the UK Economic and Physical Sciences Research Council ‘Bridging The Gaps’ Programme (2012-2013), contributes to filling this important gap in scholarship by developing a communicative profile of online sexual predators.

Twenty-four online grooming interactions (c. 75,000 words) were randomly selected from – a project of the Perverted Justice Foundation Inc. which ‘specializes in working chat rooms and social networking sites to fight internet predators who seek to have sex with underage kids’ (  Drawing upon extant models of offline grooming communication  (Olson et al., 2007), the different grooming stages in these interactions were analysed for linguistic features and paedophile profiles.  The analysis reveals that the communicative patterns of online sexual predators overlap only in part with those identified by Olson et al (2007) for offline grooming.  A number of communicative features are specific to online communication, such as the frequency and use of implicit and explicit sexual language. The analysis also reveals significant and interesting correlations between a number of communicative components. For example, internet predators with a preference for implicit sexual language use significantly more compliments than those with a tendency to use explicit sexual language, who in turn display a significant trend towards use of  ‘small talk’ in their exchanges.

This research is part of larger project that seeks to develop a better understanding of online grooming. The research coordinators of this larger project are Prof Lorenzo-Dus (linguistics) and Dr Izura (psychology). The project foresees future engagement with local schools, police, software companies and organizations such as the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre, to share information, research resources and training.

Nuria Lorenzo-Dus is Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English Language and Literature, Swansea University. She has published widely on media discourse and cross-cultural pragmatics.  She is  a member of GENTEXT, and the founding Director of the Language Research Centre at Swansea University (

Conference announcement

51bxkL4GhwL._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_International Conference

Translation and Gender: a gap between theory and practice?

University of Calabria,  8 and 9 November 2011

Under the sponsorship of the Department of Linguistics (University of Calabria) and the Department of Human Sciences (University of Ferrara)


Organizers: Eleonora Federici, Vanessa Leonardi, Manuela Coppola, Michael Cronin, Alessandra De Marco, Renata Oggero

The aim of the conference is to investigate the relationship between translation and gender and how it has been approached in different European countries in recent decades, since the beginning of the theoretical debate in feminist TS. Many have been the voices on gender and translation, especially in Canada and in Spain, two cultural contexts in which the problems inherent to translation and the category of gender have been fruitfully discussed by eminent scholars such as Barbara Godard, Sherry Simon, Luise von Flotow and José Santaemilia. These theorists have given prominence to the translator, whether woman or man, to her/his choices and to the strategies outlined in order to unveil the gender-related aspects in translation. However, in Italy especially, a gap seems to exist between theory and practice. What is the situation of feminist practices of translation in Italy and in other European countries? What are the positions of translators who have dealt with gender issues? Do they proclaim themselves as feminist translators?

Papers should mainly address the issue of the gap between theory and practice, but can also broach other topics, such as:

– feminist translation and translators in Europe through time

– women translators as feminist translators

– men translators as feminist translators

– diachronical perspectives of the same text in different translations by men or women

–  the existence of different European practices of translation (with a focus on gender)

– the translation of gender related topics

– the translation of grammatical gender

– the translation of different genres and gender related issues

The cfp is open to scholars and translators with a view to widening  perspectives on theory and practice.


Confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Oriana Palusci (L’Orientale, Naples) Prof. José Santaemilia (Universitat de Valencia), Prof. Loredana Polezzi (University of Warwick)

More information on the conference website:

Paper proposals (title and an abstract of not more than 300 words) should be sent to:;

Deadline: 1 September 2011

Latest event – Visiting Academic at Lancaster University

images-2Dr Gora Zaragoza-Ninet will be staying as a Visiting Academic researcher at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Lancaster to collaborate with Dr. Jane Sunderland within the framework of the GAL (Gender and Language) group that she coordinates. She will be attending the scheduled June-July sessions of the GAL group where she will present the talk entitled: “GENTEXT-Gender and Sexual (in)equality in contemporary English and Spanish societies, Discourse analysis of socio-ideological texts”.

Conference announcement

imagesDr. José Santaemilia Ruiz, director of GENTEXT Research Group, will deliver a paper in the following conference:

First International Conference on Gender, Development and Textuality (Fundamental Texts for Women’s Development)

Universitat de Vic, June 15-17 2011

The aim of this conference is to achieve a better understanding of the contributions provided by fundamental texts that have given momentum to the revolution in interdisciplinary studies involving women and their development.

The conference will include topics from three areas:

1. Literary text and texts in pedagogy and history

2. The translation of literary texts and essays

3. Legal and institutional texts, including international declarations

The conference will be organised according to thematic areas and will include plenary sessions, panel discussions, and papers with the participation of:

Fatiha Benlabbah, Mohammed V University

Encarna Bodelón, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Irene Comins, Cátedra UNESCO de Filolsofia per la Pau

Miguel Àngel Essomba, UNESCO Catalunya

Louise von Flotow, University of Ottawa

More information at:

Centre CEID (Centre d’Estudis Interdisciplinaris de la Dona)

Tlf.: 938 86 12 22 – –

VIII Foro Calidad (Santander 2011)


palaciomagdalenaOn May 31st, some members of our research group take part in the “VIII Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior” (Santander, May 31st-June 3rd). We have been kindly invited by the organiser of the panel “New Technologies and the ESHE: The case of English Language”, Dr. Marisa Pérez Cañado (Universidad de Jaén), to present a paper on the design of teaching materials for the assessment of cross-curricular competences related to gender issues. For more information on the coference, please follow the link below:

An example of the lesson plans we are presenting can be found in the section “Teaching Materials” in this blog.

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